Nutrition and wellness for all. 

Trust me when I tell you, I’ve struggled too. I’ve been unwell and I’ve been confused by all the information out there about how to get better... and I understand sometimes it can feel like you’re completely alone. I know how challenging it can be to take that initial step toward a healthier life.

But I also know how much worse it is to constantly feel poorly and like you don’t have the resources to fully show up in your life. No one should feel limited by their health, and they shouldn’t feel alone on their journey to get well. I'm here to help you with both.

As your partner in this process, my focus is on identifying and addressing root causes of dysfunction. By utilizing dietary changes, lifestyle shifts, therapeutic supplements, and functional assessment tools, I'm able to craft custom regimens to restore optimal function and balance within the body. All with the goal of helping you be and do all the things you hope to in your life. 

Hi! I'm Sara

Thriving & sustainable lifestyles.

Knowing your deeper “why” allows us to get very clear on your vision for your health. Once we understand this, we are able to hold those intentions close and truly focus our efforts. When we trust in the process and put our heart and soul behind it, that’s when we have the best outcomes. 


I went from doctor to doctor repeatedly hearing, “Sara, you’re a mom of three young kids... This is normal.” Nonsense... Finally getting answers was liberating, and I want you to experience that too. My education and clinical experience, paired with navigating my own health issues, allows me to support you in finding the solutions to your unique concerns. 


Being unwell myself and watching loved ones endure health challenges is what brought me to where I am today & has driven me to give you the support and hope that I so needed. Sometimes you just need to know that someone is in it with you, that they believe there is a solution, and that and they’ll be rooting for you from the sidelines. 


My Core Values

Apply to work together

And I want you to know that healing isn’t linear. We’re all works in progress. It’s okay to be imperfect, and you will have bumps in the road. But the key is that at least you will finally be on the right course, and every stage of your journey has something to teach you.   

There is so much more to life than making the “right” choices with the food we eat or whether or not we decide to exercise every day. It’s about feeling your best, being present in the moments that matter, and embracing it all.

True wellness requires being intentional. Intentional with your choices, your decisions, what you let in, what you let out. Unfortunately, there is no magic spell for wellness, no instant remedy, it's going to require your active participation. Wellness, like anything worth working toward, is a journey. My goal is to meet you where you are and guide you with compassion as you take the necessary steps toward health and wholeness. 

What is keeping you from actively participating in your life?