Nutrition and wellness for all. 

I came to this work for the same reason as many others in the health field: a deep desire to offer something better than what I experienced on my own health journey—one that started early and was filled with questions, few answers, and the frustration of trying everything but getting nowhere.

From a young age, I dealt with digestive issues that put me on medication at just five years old for what was dismissively called a "nervous stomach." Over time, other health challenges emerged, including skin conditions, hormonal imbalances, and an autoimmune diagnosis in my twenties. Things reached a tipping point after the birth of my youngest child when I struggled with crippling fatigue. Despite being told my lab results were "normal” and my medication was working “just fine," getting out of bed to take care of my kids or go to work often required a herculean effort. 


Hi! I'm Sara

Your Functional Nutritional
Therapy Practitioner

Through trial, error, and a relentless pursuit of better answers, I managed to bring my disease into remission and regain my quality of life.

My loved ones' health challenges also pushed me to explore the body's interconnectedness further. My children's struggles with eczema and ADHD taught me the power of a root-cause approach. At the same time, my stepmother's battle with lupus opened my eyes to the limitations of conventional medicine. Watching her go from specialist to specialist, only to receive more prescriptions, was heartbreaking and reinforced my belief in the potential for a holistic, functional approach to bridge the gap.

These experiences ignited my passion for understanding the body's complex connections and shaped my wellness approach. I believe everyone deserves to feel their best, and by addressing the root causes of health issues through personalized nutrition and lifestyle strategies, we can achieve profound transformations. As a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Master Restorative Wellness Practitioner, I have the privilege of using my experience and knowledge to empower others on their journey to reclaiming their health. Likewise, as a lead instructor for Restorative Wellness Solutions, I have the privilege of teaching other healthcare providers how to use functional nutrition assessment tools and advanced testing to make a real difference in their clients' lives too.

My mission is simple yet powerful: helping one person can create a ripple effect, allowing us all to live greater lives. When you have the energy to fully participate in your life, you're not just transforming your own well-being—you’re impacting everyone around you. This belief drives my work, helping each individual make lasting changes and guiding them toward a life filled with energy, balance, and joy.

Knowing your deeper “why” allows us to get very clear on your vision for your health. Once we understand this, we are able to hold those intentions close and truly focus our efforts. When we trust in the process and put our heart and soul behind it, that’s when we have the best outcomes. 


I went from doctor to doctor repeatedly hearing, “Sara, you’re a mom of three young kids... This is normal.” Nonsense... Finally getting answers was liberating, and I want you to experience that too. My education and clinical experience, paired with navigating my own health issues, allows me to support you in finding the solutions to your unique concerns. 


Being unwell myself and watching loved ones endure health challenges is what brought me to where I am today & has driven me to give you the support and hope that I so needed. Sometimes you just need to know that someone is in it with you, that they believe there is a solution, and that and they’ll be rooting for you from the sidelines. 


Sara's Core Values

Just like Sara, my struggle has been real! My experience taught me the profound impact that nutrition and lifestyle changes have on overall well-being. This inspired me to turn my own health journey into a mission: to help others transform their lives just as I did. I specialize in personalized nutrition and lifestyle strategies, combining scientific knowledge with the empathy that only someone who's been through the struggle can provide.

My journey began with personal health struggles that traditional medicine couldn't resolve. 

Refusing to accept the limitations set by experts (as well as the "you cant's and you wont's"), I embarked on a path of natural healing that not only transformed my own health but also led to the birth of my two beautiful children, the reversal of chronic conditions and the management of a blood disorder. 

This led me to leave my corporate job and move into the holistic functional field. I am a Certified Sports Nutritionist, Certified Health Coach and Certified Consistency Coach (I'm also currently earning my Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery Coaching Certification) with a deep passion for holistic wellness. 

Through Sara Fields Wellness, I offer tailored coaching that is both compassionate and grounded in real-life experience. My approach goes beyond just nutrition—I teach you how to build sustainable habits, establish effective routines, and optimize your sleep and stress management. These elements are crucial to improving your life on every level, from physical health to mental clarity.

My goal is to empower you to reclaim your health and happiness, one step at a time. I believe in a no-nonsense approach, but I'm here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that the changes you make are not only effective but also sustainable. Together, we’ll create a lifestyle that helps you feel as good as you look—and more importantly, live a life filled with energy, vitality, confidence, and fulfillment.

Hi! I'm Andria

Your health coach

Knowledge is the foundation of lasting change. I’m passionate about empowering you with the tools and understanding needed to take control of your health. Through personalized education and hands-on coaching, I’ll help you build the confidence to make choices that enrich your life, every day. By integrating practical knowledge with actionable insights, I ensure you’re not just informed, but truly equipped to drive your own success.

Empowerment through Education

Through my personal and professional journey, I've learned that tailoring changes to fit your unique situation is crucial. My deep expertise, combined with a personalized approach, ensures that you not only understand the reasons behind each step but also how they apply specifically to you. I know change isn't always easy, that is why my approach is patient, understanding, personalized, and has to meet you where you are. 


I understand the challenges of transforming your health because I've been there myself. I’ve walked the path of health challenges in my own life, so I deeply understand the pain and frustration. My approach is rooted in empathy and authenticity, offering you genuine support as we navigate your wellness journey together. ensuring that every step we take together is filled with compassion and true understanding, offering guidance that’s as real as it is effective.

Empathy and Authenticity

Andria's Core Values

Apply to work together

And we want you to know that healing isn’t linear. We’re all works in progress. It’s okay to be imperfect, and you will have bumps in the road. But the key is that at least you will finally be on the right course, and every stage of your journey has something to teach you.   

There is so much more to life than making the “right” choices with the food we eat or whether or not we decide to exercise every day. It’s about feeling your best, being present in the moments that matter, and embracing it all.

True wellness requires being intentional. Intentional with your choices, your decisions, what you let in, what you let out. Unfortunately, there is no magic spell for wellness, no instant remedy, it's going to require your active participation. Wellness, like anything worth working toward, is a journey. Our goal is to meet you where you are and guide you with compassion as you take the necessary steps toward health and wholeness. 

What is keeping you from actively participating in your life?