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In the fast-paced world we live in, achieving and maintaining wellness often feels like an elusive goal. However, the secret to a healthier lifestyle may lie within the very walls of our homes.

Designed for Wellness: Creating a Home that Supports Healthy Habits

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It’s crucial to understand that our digestive system is central to healing both related and seemingly unrelated issues. As someone dedicated to a holistic approach, I’m certainly not saying it’s the only thing, but I am saying it’s priority ONE.

Gut Feelings

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This recipe is a wonderful breakfast option full of blood sugar stabilizing protein, fat, and fiber, but it’s also well suited for an easy lunch or dinner too! 

BLT Breakfast Scramble

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In the last five parts of this series, we have been traveling organ by organ through the digestive system, and we’ve finally made our way to our last stop: the lesser-celebrated, yet absolutely vital segment of our digestive system – the large intestine. 

The Digestive Domino Track, Part 6: The Last Stop – the Large Intestine